The Gov told a TeaBagger gathering in North Richland Hills that Texas schools will be safer when school districts are given the ability to allow everyone who works at the schools to carry guns. The Gov stated “In the state of Texas, if you go through the process, have been trained, and you are a …
Category Archives: Texas
Perry ‘I Would Do It Again’
Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy. Looks like we’re in for more entertainment during the next presidential campaign. The Gov. said Monday that he does not regret his failed presidential campaign last year. Along with Uzbekistan Herman Cain, The Gov. made the campaign much more enjoyable with his gaffes, shaky debate performances and uhhh, I …
Perry Says ObamaCare Will Fail
Oh boy, now The Gov. says he thinks ObamaCare “may fail” in an interview with Forbes. In the interview The Gov. says “Well, I’m not sure Obamacare is going to be successful.” His reasoning is that the exchanges are not going to work because the states don’t know what the rules are. He even predicted …
Perry To Make Big Announcement Next July
The Gov. says “in July he will “make an announcement about my future political plans.” according to a tweet from the Rio Grande Guardian. Talk about trying to build up the suspense. In October, The Gov.’s chief mouthpiece, Ken Armbrister let out that The Gov. may run for a fourth term as Texas governor. Grover …
Perry For Obama Take Over?
Ok, let’s get this right. Last week on Faux News, The Gov said. “We don’t trust this administration, and we don’t trust Washington, D.C. to be able to deliver health care in our state”. One in four of us Texans are uninsured, the highest rate of any state in the Union. Texas ranks 50th in …
Secession From a Seccesionist State.
While writing the previous article we came across the petitions from El Paso and Austin requesting secession from Texas. This brings up an interesting question. If States, such as Texas, believe secession from the Union is acceptable, is secession of an entity (city) within the State is acceptable? Texas is an amalgamation of peoples, just …
Secession Petition Mania
All this talk of secession and we can whup all them yankees in a couple of weeks, oh wait that was 1861, has social media awash with “I signed the Petition to Secede” comments and tons of Likes. Now since the old boy in Arlington, Tx. has gotten so popular with his White House petition …
Perry Not Supporting Secessionists This Time
The Gov., AKA Rick Perry, has not given up on his Presidential ambitions even after taking a drubbing during the Grand Old Party’s “Who Can Get Farthest To The Right” Primary Debates. Prior to his run for the 2012 nomination, The Gov. gathering support, was vocal on occasion supporting the Tea Baggers call to Texas …
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Texas Republican Wants State To Secede
Oh boy, here we go again. The Black Communist, Socialist, Nazi, Class Warfare Warrior, Barak Obama won the Presidency so the world is going to end as we know it. And now comes along one Peter Morrison, Treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party. Mr Morrison called for Texas to secede from the United States …
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching As To War
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward into battle see His banners go! Reverend Rick Scarborough is preparing for his “40 Days to Save America” event, which is set to begin Sept. 28 and run through the election. …
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