Secessionists show support for Iran?

Larry Kilgore (R), the seccessionist movement’s candidate for Texas Governor seems to be of the mind that The Republic of Texas, once it secedes from the United States of America, will abandon any support for Israel and lend it’s support to Iran. On his facebook page, Mr. Kilgore touts an Iranian interview of Kirkpatrick Sale …

Has Govenor Perry lost his mind

As we all know back in March Perry rejected $555 million in federal stimulus funds which would have helped struggling unemployed Texans by expanding unemployment benefits. Perry’s argument was that accepting the money would burden Texans with “higher taxes and expanded obligations” In April, at the Republican/FoxNews fronted Tea Parties Perry even boasted that Texas …

House passes HRC50 – House Concurrent Resolution 50

The 10th Amendment Center has published on their Texas Secession pages that the Texas House of Representatives passed House Concurrent Resolution 50 (HCR50) on May 30, 2009. See As usual the proponents of the secession movement are either unwilling, unable to do a little research or just plain don’t care and just wish to …

Secession Realities – Licenses to practice a trade or profession

After having to visit the doctor yesterday for what was diagnosed as food poisoning, I started thinking about a part of the proposed Texas Constitution regarding the doing away with any requirement of licensing to practice any profession one chooses. I always wanted to be a doctor and once Texas secedes I will be able …

Secession Realities, Public to Private Ownership of Services – Education

The issue of the transfer and ownership of previously governmental managed entities to private holdings in the new Republic of Texas is quite interesting. As the proposed Constitution does away with all public entities such as Education, any and all Medical Service, Fire Protection, etc., many new opportunities are available for entrepreneurs. In our first …

Secession Realities – Education

Under the proposed Constitution for the new Republic of Texas the issue of education is interesting. The Constitution provides that you will be able to control what your children learn. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention decided that “You will be able to control what your children learn. There will be no more government-run public …

Seccession Realities – Taxation

All of the talk regarding the secession of Texas from the United States of America, with the exception of some out there zealots, assumes that the United States will wave a gracious goodbye and everything will be hunky dory. Yeah Right! A Fundamental question that must be answered is what the United States of America’s …

Spontaneous Tea Party hmmmm

Think Progress has a good article regarding the New and Improved Tea Party 2.o. Today, Politico reports that Republican Govs. Rick Perry of Texas and Mark Sanford of South Carolina are leading the latest development of the anti-tax, anti-Obama tea party protest movement. Dubbed the “Tea Party 2.0”, the Republican Governors Association will host a …

Treasonous or just plain unhealthy talk?

At most any other time in our nation’s history talk like what Gov. Perry espoused at the Tea Party could possibly be labeled as treasonous. How can you love your country, ie. the United States of America and imply that secession is a good idea. In the clip Gov. Perry states that Texas is a …